ROBLOX Forum search broken?

So I wanted to see if anyone was talking about me (just out of curiosity) because I found a forum post that had my name on it:

When I went to search for my name, it came up as nothing found, even though the forum post still exists.

Did I do something wrong?

Yeah, the forum is pretty much just broken in almost every way except being able to post (barely)


The forum search has always been broken lol.


This isn’t new to be honest, this feature has been broken for over a year now I believe.

I don’t think the search will search by poster, but if your name was mentioned in a post it should come up. Though only whatever username you had at the time of the post.

I always found running a google search more useful. just search Boonite. Though again username will probably be dependent on when that page was last crawled.

It’s been broken for like, eternity lol. I never remember it working and I’ve been here since '08


Well damn. Haha

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Better way to search the forums would be entering the following into Google: <search term>


Since at least 2011. Searches stop being reliable around that time

Source: egomaniac me.