Roblox Framework Regulations

Hello there,

Currently I am making a framework but I have some issues regarding Roblox regulations. For now, I have a identity system where players can enter a firstname, lastname, dob, height and select a gender for their ingame identity. I also have a (Dutch) phone number generator for each player (0600000000).

I am worried that I would get in trouble with Roblox regulations about this. Is this a big deal / should I change something?


Should be fine for Roblox purposes. Players entering their real name is at their own discretion. Should still provide a “don’t enter your real name” warning.

As for the phone number, because this can be a real one, try to come up with something different.

Move this to #help-and-feedback:game-design-support btw

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Properties like height, gender, name or birth date should not be a problem for your framework at all, because they give little to no private information away.

The last name is more identifiable, but you could argue that it is just for in-game purposes, so a proxy or roleplay name.

The only concerning property is the phone number, prompting the player to put theirs in is not allowed, because you could trace and identify them off-platform, but if you generate a fictional one yourself then you should be fine.


You can make the phone system linked to names or like a phone name book somewhere or something, or just make your own custom phone number identifier and lengths and whatever, like, make the phone number feature just fictional and not be based off other countries’ numbers!!