ROBLOX Freelancers Stop ruining your chances

Hello developers. I am by no means a professional in any sales-related fields however, as someone who goes through 50+ message requests a day trying to find someone to do a build or icons for me and use to do commissions I would recommend taking some of these into consideration.

First Impressions

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression”

You have 2-3 seconds to make a first impression, which applies to anything you’re trying to sell or get people to interact with. The people making hiring requests are looking through lots of messages and 60% of people I hit ignore right away because they appear to be a waste of time.

Tell me, what would you most likely respond to? (All these messages are REAL messages I receive daily, all grammar mistakes are how they were sent.)

Person 1

Person 1 states/shows they are interested in your project

“Hey im interested in your _ project just write me if you need more info”

“can you do 20k? because that building is a lot to do”, they continue an hour later after no response. “dw, I can do 10k pings me

“can you give me details on the map layout and quality example?”

“Hello, I am interested in building your _ Map.”

Person 2

Person 2 wants to get as many jobs as he can so he just shoots a quick message to possible jobs


“this still available?”

“hey, still need a _?”

“how much $ for _” (no idea how he missed that in the offer but.)

“I can get this done for you”

Person 3

Person 3 is very confident with their work and believes if they spread the words they believe they are others would love to work with them.

“Yo my name is _I usually work with blender for animation but when adding effects to them I’m experienced with moon animator. I know everything about it and I sometimes animate with it but mostly I use blender because the animations look smoother more realistic and overall just better. I am very good at _”

“Yo there i see that you need a pro designer i might just be the guy”

“hello! ima build with over 2 years of expirences and i would love to build a tycoon map, i build low poly please send more detailed lay out!”

Person 4

Lastly, person 4, comes in many different formats whether they provide a long background or personally prefer a quick message as I don’t want to read your lore. BUT they also provide past work

“I am interested! Portfolio link

“Hello!, I’d like to apply for the _ job, 2 portfolio links

“hey! 12 attachments

" Hi , I am Ronogas and saw that you are looking for a builder ! If you want to look over my portfolios there you have them: 2 links"

Who would you most likely respond to?

  • Person 1
  • Person 2
  • Person 3
  • Person 4

0 voters

No job outside would just accept, “I am interested” they do job interviews for a reason.

But I don’t have a portfolio

Make one, there are tons of free websites you can use even dev forum works, or Roblox talent hub

You don’t have any work? Make some passion projects to showcase, show literally anything. That is better saying,
“I don’t have any past work I just started, but you should still hire me”


This post wasn’t made to be toxic

Show your work before details. why would anyone want to explain the same details to 50 different people just to find out they don’t like your result?



Thanks this post is very helpful, I have things to learn from this


“You have 2-3 seconds to make a first impression”
I assume “2-3 seconds” refers to the customer’s attention-span.


That is the saying in any marketing. Videos, games, whatever. The point is someone that has 50+ message requests is just looking straight for past work


It’s because a strong amount of developers are children, and have never had a genuine job. They think that if they say “yo I can do it” your immediate response should be “ok you got the job!” Which isn’t the case at all.

I also have had countless times where I’ve mentioned multiple times on a post saying “DM me with your portfolio, how active you can be, etc” but yet they just dm me saying "yo, “how much” or “I can do it”. I’m personally fine with people being like that, because they’re the people who settle the difference between lazy, young, unskilled and immature and people who are hard working, skillfull, and have maturity.

Ofcourse I used to do commissions myself and most definitely used to be one of those kids years ago, but I mean if you think about it, those kids will age a bit and possibly be the future of Roblox games…

I just call it the noob developer phase

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I’m not sure people, especially developers who have to tediously script hundreds of lines of code, work out errors, etc would have an attention span of 2-3 seconds, Like what @Beloathed said. My preference Is definitely the third person, because It makes me feel like they are more outgoing and on-the-job, instead of shying away from other team members. If they were too bold and overconfident, that’s a problem, but otherwise yea


You would prefer to hear a long word about them? But 0 work to back it up? As I mentioned, person 4 could be long but the point is they show their work.

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I never said I wouldn’t like to see work. That’s literally how I would decide if I want to hire them. I just said I would want someone confident.


So person 4, still doesn’t matter. Point is show your work

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let’s just agree to disagree, i guess

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Nothing to disagree about, you just didn’t read correctly.

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pointless argument, let’s just leave it at i have my opinions and you have yours.

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This is the most relatable post I ever came across yet till now

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