Roblox freezes my laptop, and slowly destroys it

Hi, I recently had a problem that Roblox can’t start. When the text “Starting Roblox” appears, my laptop screen freezes and I can’t do anything but turn it off.

Every time, I’ve used anti-virus to “fix” my OS, and to just speed it up.
But this time I changed my mind and decided to take a chance.
The first screen freeze did nothing, but it did slow down the OS a bit.
The second freeze is more serious. My laptop started fixing my disk. I decided not to take any more risks.

I should mention that this happens only in Roblox Player, not in Roblox Studio.
I also didn’t have a “Report a bug” button on the forum, so I had to post here.

Reinstalling didn’t work for me.

My laptop specs:
Processor: i7-9750H 2.60GHz
Video Card: UHD Graphics 630
RAM: 16 gb
SSD 1tb


Update: The issue was fixed by itself. I have no idea what was it.
EDIT: It was my anti virus.


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