Roblox Freezing randomly after sometime

UPDATE: I give up, but if for SOME reason an admin gets a hold of this, than i’ll try again (talking to you @thirdtakeonit @thirdtakeonit @thirdtakeonit )

For over 2 months now, roblox randomly freezes after 5 minutes to sometimes over an hour. I doesn’t seem to be any consistency with when roblox freezes, it’s just so random. The earliest instance I remember of this bug is Nov. 16 (I believe).
Other info:

  1. This bug doesn’t happen in roblox studio
  2. This happened at least once in every game I’ve played except Tower of Hell for some reason

There’s alot of similar issues on the DevForum, but none really help me so yea
Please (try to) fix.

Log/dump files were attached to the internal ticket by a Roblox Staff (@Focia19), due to the sensitive information they may contain, will not be shared publicly!


i have this problem for years now
but what do you exactly mean freezing like the ping freezing or the whole game?
because for me the ping has been freezing and its a pretty big problem


Let me guess, it starts to say “Not responding” while rendering one last frame?


yea thats what i mean. It’s so annoying


I’m suspecting this is just some roblox-related issue because this has also been happening to me, but in both Roblox Studio and the Roblox launcher.


bug support is so bad i havent gotten a single response since this was posted. I have such little hope anymore


yea i think admins forgot about this


If I were you, I wouldn’t close this bug report as it is only 16 days old and its status is open. I’m pretty sure Roblox prioritizes bug reports based on their impact and other factors. From my experience, it usually takes around ~2 months for a report to be addressed.

Also, a staff response is no longer necessary because a ticket is automatically filed to Roblox’s internal database when you create a bug report.



thx for further information. didnt expect the 2 month long wait tho


Sorry for coming late to this. I can confirm we have a ticket in our database for this and we are investigating the issue.


i’ve been waiting for something like this tysm (late because i was away for like 10 days)


Tried completely wiping everything about Roblox then clean installing roblox on your pc or laptop?


ye i think i have but still didnt work


4 months and still no solution is crazy


Bump, it’s also still happening after it was fixed, then it’s back to what is was previously. On most games, my Client will freeze for 10-12s and the microprofiler states it’s waiting for a GPU response?

On the html microprofiler dump, it shows a SUPER high spike and it waits for a while until unfreezing itself.

I could look past it for a while, but it’s starting to get annoying when I just want to play roblox games.

I hope it gets fixed for GOOD soon…


This is happening on MacOS for me.

OSX Big Sur 11.7.9 (20G1426)
iMac Pro (2017)
CPU: 3 GHz 10-Core Intel Xeon W
Graphics: Radeon Pro Vega 64X 16 GB


bumping too because today i had a ping freeze 5 times within the same game
this thing has been so annoying
because i have to wait till the server also disconnects me so i can join again
please look into this again

I have this issue too and its so damn annoying! There seems to be some games it happens more often on. For example, I was recently revisiting TheNickmaster21’s Farming among Friends game after years, only to be disappointed at not getting even a solid 10 minutes of uninterrupted playtime. Some games I’m able to play for a couple hours without this happening.

My personal experience with this is really big problem, and my computer has recommended specs for Roblox, I stopped the freezing from updating my drivers. Update your computer. After I had done that it stopped freezing. Anytime I get this bug I had been updating my drivers.

Hope this helps!

So, any progress? Still getting it.