Roblox game crashes randomly, disconnecting whole server with error 277 / 260

I’d like to explain a problem I’ve been facing since the start of July 2023.
Our game randomly disconnects with error 277 / 260 every 20-30 minutes of server starting.

However, the tricky part is that the crash is extremely random and couldn’t be predicted.

  • 28/4/2024: We tested with 150 players in the game, with 5 running trains (take it as unanchored parts constantly moving) in the game. Did not crash with 95 minutes uptime.

  • 30/4/2024: Shifted to testing with new models, crashed within 30 minutes. We reverted both the game and the models to the day the game went well, still crashed within 30 minutes. However, there were only 45 players in the server.

Further statistics:

  • Server Frame Rate (Heartbeat): 32
  • Server usually crashes at ~1570MB
  • Server Memory Usage: 1.23GB (Graph peaks at 2GB)
  • The moving parts (per train) have 34885 vertices in blender. 1122 BaseParts, 440 MeshParts, no UnionOperations.

Some console information when the game crashed is attached to the post.
Thank you very much!


OO ye that been happening a lot, its a server disconnection error, and the other one I had to look up but its when no data is being received by the Roblox web servers, So Roblox in your area could be down or wifi is weak and Roblox is not getting the data packets it needs. That be mosty on Roblox side so give it a few days it could get fixed!

It already occurred for over a year now…
I don’t think Roblox will even want to look into it

For those who are still fixing this problem:
I fixed this problem by reducing part count and replacing BodyVelocity with LinearVelocity.

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