Roblox games consistently freeze on Mac when looking at specific Parts

Reproduction Steps

This freeze happens in many games (it seems to be more common in games with blooming Neon parts), but the easiest and most consistent reproduction method is:

  1. Play Arcade Island X: Arcade Island X: Working Arcade 🌴 - Roblox

  2. Walk straight to the arcade, and keep going. You should pass the two glass double doors and the large brick doorway with the “Donators”, “Likes”, and “Subs” signs.

  3. Just past the large brick doorway (It’s very close, only a couple steps away), you should notice a “Super Spin” arcade machine with a large colored wheel. It has a big red button on the bottom.

  4. On the left of the “Super Spin” machine is a blue wheel machine called “Pirate Wheel”. Walk up in front of the “Pirate Wheel”, face the machine, zoom out all the way, then slowly move your camera up to look straight down at your character. My computer freezes during this step and stops responding.

System: MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2019), running MacOS Monterey v12.3.1
Processor: 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
Memory: 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4
Graphics: Two graphics cards: Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB, Radeon Pro Vega 16

Expected Behavior

I expect gameplay to continue as normal, without freezing.

Actual Behavior

  • During Step 4 when I slowly move my camera up to look straight down at my character, my computer freezes and I cannot move my mouse or switch to another app.

  • After less than 5 seconds, it will try to render the next frame. My cursor then changes to a busy/loading icon (rainbow pinwheel on MacOS).

There are two possibilities that will happen next:

  1. After about 10 seconds, the game begins stuttering between the previously rendered frames within the seconds before the freeze. At this point, the game is unrecoverable.

Now, I am able to switch to another app. If I switch back, the stuttering is accompanied by screen flickering (sometimes black or red.)

In this case, Performance Stats does not reveal any abnormalities (since it has freezed before it can render any new data.)

  1. The game will recover after a couple of seconds and become playable again.

This is more likely to happen if I try to turn the camera elsewhere to not look at the part that caused the freeze. (The freeze will happen again if I turn my camera back.)

In this case, Performance Stats reveals a huge spike in CPU and drop in most stats at the moment of the freeze:


I can still try to play the games if I try to avoid looking at the problematic parts (e.g. looking at the ground or the sky), which makes freezing less likely.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Freezing
Impact: High
Frequency: Often
Date Last Experienced: 2022-06-21 00:06:00 (-07:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


I used to also experience this on iPad. Sometimes when I play a game on it, somehow my screen goes back and fourth of the same frames.

Hi, could you upload a microprofiler dump file when it’s happening? Press cmd+f6 then cmd+p. Choose menu Dump->512 frames. An html file should be saved to your user folder.

Thanks for looking into it!
Here’s the 512 frame dump files for a recovered freeze.

Not including incomplete:
microprofile-20220623-012657.html (5.3 MB)
(I couldn’t find the issue in this one, so I included incomplete below.)

Including incomplete:

There is a massive spike on Frame 482:


My sister still has this issue on her IMac, it makes certain games unplayable, has anyone found a solution. or is there any other posts with this issue that I can contribute to?

Has there been an update on this? crashing seems to now occur on almost every game after enough time passes. it is not from overheating based on the temperature status of the computer.

1 Like

It used to just freeze, but now my computer gets a kernel panic (= Blue Screen of Death) with the error:
NMIPI for unresponsive processor: TLB flush timeout, TLB state:0x0
I can post the full report somewhere if it would help diagnose the issue.

This freezing and/or kernel panic happens on most Roblox games, seemingly when looking at specific Parts.

All of my other apps and games work just fine, but this issue has made Roblox unplayable for me.


I just came across this ticket, Is this still an issue? If so, is the repro the same, and is it the GPU stalling (as in the attached micro profile) or is it the kernel panic?

Hello Tiger, thanks for the update on this ticket! Yes, it’s still an issue for me.

I have a new consistent repro, which produces a screen freeze (not a kernel panic):

  1. Play Neon Knights: neonâť–Knights [BETA] - Roblox

  2. The game should load into the title screen and menu:

  3. When the camera moves past the tunnel/doorway (which is depicted in this screenshot; it has the bright yellow four-pointed star above it), the game will freeze for a few seconds at this moment.

  4. After a few seconds, the game unfreezes (but will freeze again when the camera passes a similar location)

I tried to dump 512 frames but nothing appeared in my user (home) folder. Here’s a screenshot:

I’m no expert on computers, but do you have any tips for checking whether it’s a problem with the GPU? Thanks!


So I tried to reproduce this issue, but I don’t see the issue. I see some minor general hitching, but nothing like what you are experiencing.

It would be good to get some more information on what kind of computer you are running this on and which graphics driver version you are using.