Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash

As someone who has also been having a similar issue continuously over the past few days, I had to attempt about 8-10 times loading into this place before I had fully been able to join. This is also an issue I face with any other game, having to repeat this multiple times to get into every other place.

In most cases, my Roblox Client crashed itself before it even opened as an app, and in some cases it refused to even load the game entirely, freezing in the loading screen before crashing.

I’ve noticed that there seems to be a difference in how both the 64-bit client and the live client load assets (viewed through how the clients show themselves to open differently) and felt as if this is certainly related to the cause. Even without any apps open at all, I still am unable to join a place with a simple baseplate.

Though going back to the topic at hand, I was able to load fully into the game after my continuous attempts, and was met with the ability to both walk and move freely in the baseplate, unlike the previous cases above where the camera had been frozen.


I got similar experiences that I had to deal with for the past few days.

I have around approximately a 1/3 chance of getting an unresponsive, white screen, lasting around 8 seconds+ before crashing, and rarely an identical issue to the issue this topic is referring to.

There were also a few occasions the Roblox Player (maybe the new anti-cheat) called me out for “unexpected client behavior” when all I did was wait for the client to load the game.

I got 8 GB of RAM on my terrible laptop, but Roblox has always been running fine until a few days ago.


My Roblox Client updated while joining. but good news, i successfully got inside the game.

However, if i try to join another game, i have a 50/50 chance of crashing or joining the game successfullly.


I’m glad it worked for you. Please keep me updated if you face more issues.


I have 32 GB of ram but I have the same problem but its when I try to play using the website on another account than my main I’ve tried support but they haven’t responded in 2 days.

Pc Specs

32 GB DDR4 2133
GTX 1080
239 GB SSD


Hi Tsu and everybody else who is facing issues,
Could you please post a screenshot of your About page?

The About page should loke something like:


like this?

my roblox just updated and now I literally cant play anymore
0.572.1.5720486 (bbb555) is the new version btw


Hello Bitdancer,

I tried reporting this issue about 4 days ago when the new byfron update was released but the post was taken down for some reason.

Anyways, I tried joining the game and I was unsuccessful in doing so.


Hello Sam,
It seems that you are using the 32-bit client, and thus, the issues you are facing cannot be attributed to Hyperion. An updated client will be released in the near future, which hopefully resolves the problems you are encountering.


my game just updated and now im unable to open the game anymore or the app (not the windows one) but I can check the logs for the version which is 0.572.1.5720486
nothing happens after it says starting roblox it just closes
this is the 64 bit version I noticed that it would install a new version on my alt with a robloxplayerbeta.dll file basicly all I know is that the 64 bit version just crashes but the 32 bit didn’t I dont know if log files have anything like my account cookie or something like that but [FLog::Warning] UserAgentString Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like GeckoRoblox/WinInetRobloxApp/0.572.1.5720486 (GlobalDist; RobloxDirectDownload) is set is the error I get in every log when trying to open the game in the 64 bit version.



A new version of the client has been released (0.573). Please give it a try once more.


Still happening with the same results as my first post. (Crashing just after loading and crashed process having absurd amounts of CPU usage.)

This seems to be rather rare for me now, as this is the first time it’s happened in a few days. Still on the ‘LIVE’ release channel as well.


Since I haven’t used Roblox Player for more than 1 week, yesterday I tested it and got the crash and ended up creating a bug report for it:

The problem continues today.


I can confirm that this issue is fixed for me, the channel changed from zwinplayer64 to production.

Is there a way to try out the new Launcher with byfron with it?


I have the same issue. Roblox loads for a couple of seconds and crashes.


can confirm, it also crashes for me, and the new update has made it worse


This just started happening to me as well :frowning:


Bumping. Any game I attempt to play will activate the launcher but then proceed to shutdown. The Roblox client will remain active as a background process according to Task Manager, but the window itself is no longer active.

After a few retries this error prompt appears:



My channel changed from zwinplayer64 to production, try switching to the production channel to try if it works normally again

Put this on your Search Bar:

I am not a professional for this kind of stuff.