I honestly don’t know what name of the gfx I should name so I just name is “Box”
Created a gfx which Is about a person that is excited about the item that he just ordered!
I’d like to hear you guys feedback on the gfx!
I like the concept, it’s pretty cool. I just recommend you make the walls a color like white or blue. Having it brown looks odd.
It’s really good, but I think that you should make the door bigger(It looks smaller than the person) and you should also change the color of the wall.
The graphics are awesome, but at first glance, it tooks like the person is holding a clock, but the clock is on the wall. Perhaps the clock should be above the center of the door? A part of the bottom of the gaming chair is also miss colored, close to the same color as the wall.
I really like but here are some problems I see.
- It does look like he is holding the clock as @TheChicagoCubsrule said.
- Why is they so big? Even though he is closer to the camera, the door looks too small/they are too big.
I realize people already pointed this out…
scramble that rubik’s cube up
its good, but no wall is wood like that. it would be dry wall. the arms aren’t connected to him properly and the box is too high quality textures. the rubiks cube looks weird and it seems le gaming chair is too big. one part of it is also… gray? prty good gfx though, idk why is tounge is out and he’s winking too. and if you going to add clothing folds add 3d clothing too (make laces and pockets 3d models).
Just because you add folds doesnt mean you have to make the entire gfx character 3D lmao. But overall good gfx. 8/10
The scaling all seems off and the texturing is off (Particularly using the same texture on the floor and the walls.)
Really good! the shading the light and the clothes are very well made.
This GFX looks very good! Nice job on it! I would just make the door a bit bigger, and make the wall a different texture/color.