Roblox GFX Feedback :o


Hey, recently made this art piece
Let me know what you guys think, looking for suggestions (esp stuff I can improve on) :slight_smile:


Looks great! I don’t know much about gfx, but there is not much I would change. Maybe change the lighting a little, it looks a little off to me (I know nothing about gfx though, so the lighting could be perfect and I just don’t know :sweat_smile:). How long did it take you to make?


The artwork is great position, scene, lighting. however what’s making it look off is the background its just darkness it doesn’t match the scene lighting find a good forest image that matches the light and contrast and blur it out a bit maybe it’ll look better and not make it look bland

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Looks good, However I would change the lighting, make it more dark in the background to create some contrast, Use camera raw filter in photoshop to adjust the colours so they look more uniform, and maybe add some fog with a fog brush in between the trees and the character.

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It :o looks :o nice. :o You :o did :o a :o good :o job. :o

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This GFX looks very good! I like the style of it! Great job on it! How long did it take for you to create this GFX?

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Took me about 3-4 hours to make this :slight_smile: