Roblox GFX FIFA Trophy

Made a gfx which is iKingofAllKings holding a trophy!
I’d like to hear your opinions on this gfx :slight_smile:


Awesome I used to like football but I got bored of it

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Really nice to look at! I would change the legs to be straight but still keeping what you have already, it just looks a bit off. Besides that, good job :+1:

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Looks really good! The legs need some work though.

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I founded some weird things on your GFX (if it’s just weird for me, i’m sorry). The trophy here looks like it’s growing out of a man’s hand.

But this GFX looks extremely good! :+1:

Keep up the great work :wink:


Yeah i think so to. Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

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Thanks! and yeah needs some adjustment on its legs.

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Fantastic work! A few things I would say needs improvement is the legs, they look a bit out of place, and that when you try and make accessories reflective like that is to use a hdri without many features or just increase the world lighting because it looks out of place on a farm. Good work mate keep it up!

Alright. Thanks for your feedback! :slightly_smiling_face:

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