Roblox Giving Me Controller Controls?

As of recently, in all games on Roblox that show you how to use the controls. It has been giving me console controls. And Roblox has also been giving me the UI Navigation thing that appears on console as well. Here is an example that is the easiest to get.

As shown it thinks I have a controller while these are the only connected devices.

GPU: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 ASUS
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X

  1. Join a game that shows you controls while on PC
  2. Observe it showing you weird controls.
    I will try to gather more evidence but it doesn’t seem to occur at all times.

    Screenshot 2025-01-02 183443

Expected behavior

I think it should show the correct controls based on what input devices I am actively using.


Might be related: game.UserInputService.GamepadEnabled is always true in Studio

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In some games it does not allow me to play because it thinks I am using controller.

This issue is beginning to stop me from playing games.

Stopped happening for some reason.

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