Roblox Group Ban System

Hello developers,

I have a question about Roblox’s group system… Several, actually. Starting with, how do you fully ban people from your group? Roblox needs to make this a thing, very fast. I have people (sometimes the same people) repeatedly join after being exiled and spam the chat with misinformation about me, my games, and my alternative accounts.

I have reported this numerous times to Roblox, but no moderation has been taken, clearly.

I now have to make a “Pending rank”, this disables comments for the people in that rank, until I rank them to a member. This penalizes my other group members for some spammers I can’t remove.

Exile after exile, nothing works. There’s no ban system.

As you can see, it’s all over the audit logs. Oh, and in my messages too! (alternative account)

I have done nothing wrong. The messages are also in my main account (2664k)

This is pure harassment, nothing can stop them from doing what they’re doing, not even blocking them or reporting them.

Ultimately, Roblox, please can you add a ban system for groups, it’d mean the world to group owners that have thousands of members.

Thank you,


I believe this isn’t possible at the moment (correct me if im wrong)

I recommend just disabling comments all together.

Groups need to have better features. Groups are one of the coolest features on Roblox but really underdeveloped.

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Agreed, I shouldn’t have to disable the thing that literally gives me ideas, feedback, etc.
I really hope Roblox sees this so they understand how much people would love such a small but useful feature.

Thanks for your reply also :slight_smile:

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You could use a bot in the group to automatically exile people that have a specific user id.

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It would take up to 12 seconds for the user to be banned, the spammer comments under 5 seconds. It’s ridiculous. Thanks for your suggestion though.