I have a game, and a group. I want to add a custom premium gamepass where you can get ranked up in the group after confirming you bought it.
Every time I try it, I get an error. It’s this.
10:29:34.817 - HTTP 404 (Not Found)
10:29:34.818 - Stack Begin
10:29:34.818 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 22 - function request
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 47
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 55 - function promote
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 132
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker.mod', Line 7
10:29:34.820 - Stack End
I am using this and its not working.
My code (with a few things censored due to private details.)
local server = require(script.Parent)
local domain = 'CENSORED.herokuapp.com' -- same thing they're using, but my app.
local key = 'CENSORED' -- the correct key that i put in the settings.json (obviously censored)!
local groupId = 7501728 -- my group id
local userId = game:GetService'Players':GetUserIdFromNameAsync'chenlepony' -- chenlepony is my friend. im using him to test.
local api = server(domain, key, groupId)
api.promote(userId) -- this is the error.
The module script that’s parented as the script up there’s parent is here
I dont understand why its not working; I’m doing exactly what it told me to do (but without the print)