Roblox Group Ranker

I have a game, and a group. I want to add a custom premium gamepass where you can get ranked up in the group after confirming you bought it.

Every time I try it, I get an error. It’s this.

  10:29:34.817 - HTTP 404 (Not Found)
10:29:34.818 - Stack Begin
10:29:34.818 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 22 - function request
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 47
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 55 - function promote
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker', Line 132
10:29:34.819 - Script 'ServerScriptService.Ranker.mod', Line 7
10:29:34.820 - Stack End

I am using this and its not working.
My code (with a few things censored due to private details.)

local server = require(script.Parent)
local domain = '' -- same thing they're using, but my app.
local key = 'CENSORED' -- the correct key that i put in the settings.json (obviously censored)!
local groupId = 7501728 -- my group id
local userId = game:GetService'Players':GetUserIdFromNameAsync'chenlepony' -- chenlepony is my friend. im using him to test.
local api = server(domain, key, groupId)
api.promote(userId) -- this is the error.

The module script that’s parented as the script up there’s parent is here

I dont understand why its not working; I’m doing exactly what it told me to do (but without the print)

Hi there,
Im pretty sure this post might help you

Happy birthday btw

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The code you are using was written back in 2017. I am pretty sure that roblox.js is not longer supported or updated and as such it is a likely possibility that the code you are using is deprecated and no longer functional which would explain why it is no longer working.

I would suggest instead looking into noblox.js as I am pretty sure it is the much more popular alternative used by bot devs these days wishing to create things such as automated ranking. I would also suggest contacting a bot developer or looking into services offered by ones as it is likely you would have to remake the group ranker from scratch.


Thank you everybody! Without your help i’d be clueless.

also, thank you @SecurityOfficer6! :happy2: