"Roblox Group" social link option on a roblox community

For some reason, You are able to select “Roblox Group” as a social link in the groups tab but trying to save just causes a 500 error. It is also called “Roblox Group” and not “Roblox Community”


This seems to have now been edited to be called “Roblox Community” but this is still a bug

Expected behavior

I expect there to be no option to select “Roblox Group” at the social tab as there shouldn’t be a “Roblox group” option for a roblox community in the first place

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/group/profile?groupId=34918786&activeTab=GroupProfileTab


I can’t even access the group profile; it just infinitely loads.

You can access a group profile by going through the creator hub


I couldve added that as a step i guess

I know that, I mean it won’t ever load.

I guess that would probably be a seperate bug but not related to this one

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