Roblox GUI bug. help please

well it has been over a week since i got this bug, i tried reinstalling the launcher and rebooting my machine, but still, the problem remains. Any kind of text in the game does not show up, or any other games in roblox. I dont know if this is quite the right category (the categories for engine bugs are not available for me)…

I don’t have any problems with the UI in roblox studio or other games installed on my computer. I do have been messing up with different versions of microsoft .NET framework and directX versions, but reinstalled the same versions from before the bug, but it didn’t solve the problem.


Have you tried reinstalling Roblox?

yes. my bad, i probably wasn’t clear about whether i had reinstalled the game in the post

well, this is completely new to me, i never got any type of issue like this one, you already tried to wait and see if it shows up?