For the past few months, I’ve been banned for absurd reasons; for instance, I got warned a while back for uploading a model; the model was an old Roblox gear called the “Reflector”, and the MODEL IMAGE got moderated for “Disruptive audio”. I didn’t know a single bit why they banned me for that reason. Luckily, I appealed and got unbanned. Next, a month ago, I got banned for “Bypassing roblox moderation”. This was the image.
(warning | super scary!)
I am not even kidding, I supposed it could have been the white text label at the top, but I could not find any conjunctions that would make the word at the end connect into a swear word. Maybe they thought Amongus was a dead meme, fair.
Lastly, Yesterday I got banned for this reason.
Roblox does not permit phishing or scamming links, requests for passwords,
selling of accounts, uploading of unauthorized accounts, selling Roblox assets
for real money off platform, or artificially inflating numbers associated with experiences
I uploaded a module script that had nothing to do with this. The module did not have any comments, nothing bad, just a module that converted gears into gear dispenser buttons.
Does anyone have any past experience like mine? This is just annoying now. If you have any tips, feel free to tell me. Thank you.
Roblox is using mainly a automated system for moderation as that is alot faster and cheaper than having a bunch of people work the entire day clicking accept or deny. If it was only people working then stuff would never get through. And of course these automated systems aren’t as smart as humans so stuff like that happen. Luckily I have been seeing Roblox Support get better the past months which is a good thing. But all I can really say is just keep contacting Support - Roblox every time you get banned falsely, theres not really anything else we can do.
I think Roblox moderation hates us all lol I’ve gotten spam banned on my other account more then 8 times (im not even joking) and Ive gotten way too many warnings that didn’t even make sense
“bro” = chat bypass
like bro what so now I have been using this account and it seems to be getting better
A few days ago I got a 1-day ban after I uploaded a banner ad to test it out as it was a commission for a racing game, for allegedly posting phishing or scamming links (same ban reason as yours). All the ad had was some “race to win” text and a drawing of a car almost reaching a finish line (very suspicious, apparently). Thankfully I got my account back the next day and decided to create a backup exclusively for testing decals for commissions, as I’m not willing to risk another ban (I’ve heard IP bans are a thing, but I’d rather think I’m safe with my alt account LOL).
This is causing the roblox moderation system to false-flag these gears for the Login image that first appears when you equip the gear.