I think it’s a bug that happens with loading when your internet connection is too slow for it to fetch the concurrent player count from the servers. Not sure tho.
For me takes like 4.7 seconds to load all the page. Probably is high.
For example all the page loads in like 3.5 seconds but because I have RoPro extension and have a section with time played in games takes 1.2 seconds in load that.
I’ve had this happen on the mobile app; I have only ever seen it twice. Unfortunately, it seems I deleted the screenshot I took of this issue. I’ll make sure to post it here if I ever cross upon it again.
I’ve experienced this, but it doesn’t happen for me for all games. Sometimes, the player count is less than half of what it should be, but it isn’t at 0.
Still happening, it’s really annoying as I have to make another request to Roblox each time this issue occurs. I have really fast internet, so it’s definitely not my fault.