Roblox Homepage redesign

Hello devs!

Today I got into learning Figma, and after I learned the basics I started remaking some random ui elements.
After that for practing what I learned I redesigned the roblox home page. I’m not a good designer myself, I tend to make oversized elements and doing strange colors mix.

Here’s it:

If you want html/css code or figma file just ask!

Please be honest, thanks!


not bad there should be an a option that lets you customize the background of the home page and the games page


This looks very much similar to the roblox beta player! but I guess it’s ok

looks very similar to the roblox app beta… but i guess it is cool. i’d say to remove the follower and followed things, also if not fix the spelling errors there. i like it

I wonder, where’s my Ads gonna shows on players. Maybe right side but Portrait cause it won’t fit on left side of the Screen so 1 ad in Right side but Portrait.

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Well I never looked at the roblox beta player, so I didn’t know my design is similar to it. What can I change to not have my design similar to roblox beta player?


The one on the left should have added a Quick Login option, But the style you made is already cool

This option can be in the settings page.

What do you mean? If I’m in the homepage I’m already loggen in.

well i’d say that on your own you should look at screenshots of roblox beta player homepage, and see how you could change it to your liking

This looks great, apart for one thing.

Please change the search icon, it just doesn’t look right.

I also think you should change the menu button to just a simple Roblox icon but that’s it.

There’s not exactly a background there though, I think that option would only make sense for concepts that use a custom background, like this one I recently made:

Should also mention that the Roblox theming options are in settings anyways, not much of a point having a separate button.

In the current build of the beta app, there is no ads (please Roblox add them to the app).

Love how you just took an image from a post telling you how to enable it lol.

Here’s another screenshot if you’re interested, took it earlier when messing with a Windows 11 VM trying to figure out why the app is even working on Windows 11


Oh yeah you reminded me to put roblox logo somewhere lol.

Since I just started out using Figma I used an icon pack found online and yeah you’re right, it just doesn’t look like a search icon.


During the design of this homepage I left out ads like if they never existed, and as I mentioned in the post this was just for practing.

It is amazing! You did a good job!

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