Roblox horror game main menu feedback (Endure)

Hello everyone and welcome to endure here is a little video showcasing the main menu of the game (everything in this video is subject to change)

Endure Main Menu Youtube Video

Endure is an upcoming roblox horror game where one killer (ai/killer) chases down 4 survivors trying to escape.

when each killer is equipped, the killer model will be shown in the background and the background music will change to match the killer.
I’d like some feeback on the main menu, and yes i know its not the best but im new to making games so im still improving!


I think it generally looks nice but I would suggest adding a bevel to the buttons + a little animated sheen on mouseover. Also, for the killers menu I would also suggest changing the greys to a more saturated color. Transparent light greys can be boring. I hope your game gets exposure once it releases!

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thanks for the feedback but i have a question and sorry if i didnt understand correctly but english is not my first language but could u give me an example of how a ‘bevel’ looks on a gui. Also Yes I Might Change The Grey it looks a bit dull at the moment

You can add bevel to a UI by using an instance called classname “UICorner.” You can also use another instance called “UIStroke” UIStroke is a bit more confusing to learn the properties, but it has three border options, and has a transparency property.

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