Roblox How to | How to create a simple Player Life System

Hello, this is a simple tutorial on how to make a Life system! It’s recommended that you come here with simple table knowledge and knowledge on the Players Service.

Now a good thing about this is that its Server-Sided, so exploiters can’t do anything to this script, or give themselves infinite amounts of lives.

A simple way to make this can be this script right here!

Skip to 0:57!!!

local Players = game:GetService("Players") -- Getting the player Service, so that we can find out if a new player joins.

local Lives = {} -- A Table, where we store all of the players and how many lives they have.

local Debug = true -- Just Something Extra just incase you want to find out if values are accurate :thumbsUp:.

Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) -- Checking for when a new player joins.
	Lives[player.Name] = 3 -- Setting the players amount of lifes, you can change this.
	player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(character) -- Checking for the new players character, so we can get the humanoid.
		local Humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") -- Humanoid, to check if its health is equal to zero.
		Humanoid.Died:Connect(function()  -- Fire's when the Humanoid's Health is Zero.
			Lives[player.Name] -= 1 -- Taking away a life from the Humanoid.
			if Debug then print(player.Name.." Lives: "..Lives[player.Name]) end -- Will print out the amount of lives the player Currently has if debug is on.
			if Lives[player.Name] == 0 then -- If the player's lifes are zero then.
				if Debug then print(player.Name.." Lives: "..Lives[player.Name]) end -- Printing out the players name and there lives.
				Lives[player.Name] = 3 -- Reseting the Players life to x value.

This script basically creates a Life Table, to store every player life value’s into, and then we check for when a player joins, so that we can get their character and humanoid to check if they died.

If they did die, then the Humanoid.Died function will fire, and it will subtract the player who die’s Lives by 1, You can change the amount of life’s taken away if you’d like.

If the player’s life is 0, then it will set there lives to the default amount of lives, you can also change this and or print out the players amount of lives if you have Debug on true.

If you want to make something a bit more advanced like a tween, you can get the PlayerGui from the Player local PlayerGui = player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") , and then you can get a frame or another GUI element and animate them with tweens, so that you can emulate a death message.

You can always just make the frame visible or up the transparency though, If you don’t know how to tween.

Sorry for the bad video quality and long video, I need a new computer :facepunch: :pensive:


Feel free to recommend me any script changes!


Memory leak detected. You should disconnect humanoid.died everytime it died

local connection
connection = blah:Connect(function()
   connection:Disconnect() print("rip bozo")
   -- continue

And the plr.characteradded can mem leak too, but for these kind of situations id use janitor or maid. But this is a beginners tutorial, but hope this helps

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All connections for an instance is automatically disconnected when destroyed

Same goes here

Read here for more:


Why do you do a table like that why not just add it into the player directly with Then whenever character is destroyed then just - 1


Your code looks messy. How about (pls paste in startercharscripts as a script)

local Char = script.Parent
local leader ="Folder", Player)
local Stats ="IntValue", leader)
Stats.Value = 3

if Char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Died then
Stats.Value -= 1

if Stats.Value <= 0 then
warn (Player.Name.. " has lost all their lives!")

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Wait no that dosen’t work (script not mine beware)

	local Lives ="IntValue", Player)
	Lives.Name = "Lives"
	Lives.Value = 3
		if Lives.Value <= 0 then 
warn("Bye " ..Player.DisplayName)
		local Humanoid = Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
			Lives.Value -= 1
print (Player.Name.. " has " ..Lives.Value.. " lives left!"
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Its more organized and understanding, I don’t think the value would be the same also if the character died.

It may look a bit messy because of all of the comments I added

It would be nice if you could elaborate more on the code, as Im not really sure on how connect and disconnect works, and Im not sure what a memory leak is.

A memory leak is when memory is being consumed when it’s not needed, in this case not disconnecting connections when you don’t use them anymore will still use memory, forever until the instance its connected to is destroyed, causing a memory leak.

local connection -- initialize the connection variable beforehand so we can disconnect it from other functions
connection = something:Connect(function() -- store the connection in the variable
    connection:Disconnect() -- disconnect the connection when its no longer needed

Always be mindful of when something is consuming memory, as it is integral to your games performance.

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