Roblox Iberia Airlies [Security Rules]

Hello, welcome to the Iberia Airlines Security Team.

If you’re reading this is maybe because you’re an recruit or a member.

This are my rules before you get in the team or patroling:

  1. Follow the steps given before they have to go to the scanner.
  2. Please be mature all times when you’re on duty.
  3. If you are in the team and you wnat to chat help or something like that use :chat meç
  4. If you’re driving a vehicle make sure be a cown victoria, the ford explorer is for HoS.
  5. If you need help to get the vehicle ID search in TheLittle_Spaniard inventory’s.
  6. Be professional all times.
  7. You need to act professional when you’re working.
  8. Do not complain, correct me or any higher rank.
  9. Listen me always and the founder, do not listen other HoD or any HR’s.
  10. Do not do any bad example in any review.
  11. Don’t be stupid.
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