Roblox imports mirrored skinned meshes incorrectly?

What I am trying to do:
I’m trying to import my rigged glove models to roblox. one model is of the right hand and the other model is made by mirroring (in blender when right clicking on the armature) the right glove with the rig, so I dont have to remodel the other hand and also re-rig + weight paint it.

The Issue:
when I import the mirrored rig with the model, the normals of the mesh are inverted, but when I remove the bones, the normals flip to normal. The model also appears to not be mirrored and looks like if it was still a right hand glove instead of being a left hand glove.

When I open the fbx file in other 3d modeling software, it looks fine.


I have searched a few times to see if anybody is experiencing the same problem and couldn’t find anybody. So far I found no solution.

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Did u tried to use new mesh importer with invert negative faces on.

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The problem isnt just the flipped normals, its that the model also gets imported without the mirror modifier (even though its applied)

Which means its still a right hand glove instead of being for the left hand as I intended.

I don’t know of a new mesh importer other than the plugin “avatar importer”, so if you have a diffrent one, could you please send a link so I could try it out?

Update: So I tried the new mesh importer, and it imported the mesh correctly after I set it to invert normals, but it doesnt have the bones anymore.

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