Roblox In-Game Nuke

So I was trying to make a nuke for my game and it could only be launched by an admin, I was editing this script to try to make it press the button when a admin in the chat say .nuke but it didnt work may I please have help here’s a example of my other script to spawn something, and I’m looking to make it press a button.

elseif string.lower(args[1]) == prefix … “nuke” then
if player.Rank:FindFirstChild’Admin’ then
local = game.Workspace.Nuke.Button.ClickDetector

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I am confuzzled by that, couldn’t you just make the ClickDetector’s MaxActivationDistance set to 32 when an Admin says .nuke?

Also there’s literally 3 lines you sent us-

elseif string.lower(args[1]) == prefix.."nuke" and player.Rank:FindFirstChild("Admin") then
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Also, make sure you put a SurfaceGui with a text label and make it say “Click for imminent computer death”

In all seriousness, could you send the function and function trigger, that may be the problem.