Roblox In Roblox

You read the title!
This is probably the most useless thing to do, but it is super cool. Using my 3D Engine, I was able to create a simple demo of a roblox player and an environment inside roblox itself! This is not truly roblox due to its simplicity and lack of a lot of features, but it is a base to build off of. I tried to mimic how roblox looked with the animations, character, and controls. Currently I have a controllable player with animatable joints and some basic physics for it. There are a lot of modules that I have made for ease in creating using this engine, and you can do the same! More is to come, but for now enjoy this little showcase video. Let me know what you think!


Holy. I honestly didn’t expect to see this project go any further from your 3D engine! You might be the first person to have ever attempted to make a functional roblox-in-roblox game from scratch in 3D, including physics, animation and rendering!

I have never seen anything like this be achieved in roblox before. Do you plan to publish this to a roblox?

And also, I have a few ideas that could try implementing if you wanted to:

  • Tools. Try adding simple tools that the user can equip
    (maybe a primitive building tool, sword, or even a rocket launcher?)

  • This one might be a bit of a stretch, but you said you have simple physics, but if you could implement jumping and gravity and allow the player to stand on platforms, you could make a functional obby!


I might publish this as a game at some point. I love your ideas and I will definitely add tools and more complex physics. Right now, I do have a physics module that is very simple and working, but it seems to have a few bugs. I’ll post an update if I can get the physics to work. Thank you for making this all possible with CanvasDraw!


damn, This is sick af Ethanthegrand already said everything that I wanted to say but this is so cool, good job and keep it up!