Hello there!
Ever since the byfron update, i am unable to play roblox on my Windows 7 x64 HP all in one from 2020. It had windows 10 before, but i downgraded it to windows 7. Everytime i play roblox, it crashes. Same with my windows 8.1 installation in my 2016 macbook pro 13 inch. I just installed windows 8.1 on this machine with mac os x high seria a few weeks ago, i get the same error. It’s a dualboot machine of Mac OS X High seria and windows 8.1. Roblox only works on my mac os x high seria on my macbook pro 2016 13 inch. But, roblox studio works on both the hp windows 7 and windows 8.1 macbook. That possibly means that it’s byfron causing all this crashes. The only thing that matters is the windows 8.1 part of this post. Please help fix this issue. thanks.
Temporarily and Alternatively, you might still be able to play Roblox through Microsoft Store.
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But microsoft store roblox is windows 10+
you’re right… maybe consider on installing windows 10 one day although they truly suck. Just looking at my Task Manager, it takes up more processing than Win 7 but it’s worth upgrading to win 10 to avoid this problem.
I posted a bug report to roblox mabye they can fix that
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