ROBLOX is killing my game with horrible server management!

I’ve recently had ads released for my game, with a rough amount of 600 players joining at a time, but my game’s player retention was greatly affected by ROBLOX’s measures. I’ve used social slots, and it has led to servers only containing 1 player at a time, for more than a dozen servers? I’ve included social slots in my game, which was meant to improve player retention and revenue but it has led to ROBLOX designating players to their own separate server instead of stacking which is a core feature needed in my game because it requires high population servers.

Expected behavior

If it was to be working, I would only be seeing a few servers which would be filled with players, but instead I’m seeing servers with one to two players max and so many of them! It has led to a significant drop in player count because 1-2 player servers often lead to the player leaving and the percentage of them joining back is minimal. I’m also not being compensated in any shape of form, especially since I’m reliant on ads due to my game not appearing well in search results (algorithm performance).


I totally understand what you mean by the search algorithm causing issues. My game hardly shows up at all despite having players and a few million visits.

The social slots “boosting player retention and revenue” boost it by keeping a spots in the server open for players’ friends to follow them into their server and not have to worry as much about the server being full. It’s possible that this feature is bugging out, either in general or on your experience.

Have you tried switching from using social slots to “Disabled”? That might help put a band-aid on the situation.


What is your social slot setting set to? Social slots are the number of player slots Roblox reserves for people to join their friends.

For example, if your max player count is 20, and you set social slots to 18, then Roblox will only put 2 players per server, and the other 18 slots will be reserved for people to join each other.

I recommend setting it to “Roblox Optimized,” or about 15-20% of the total player count. (If the max is 20, do 3 or 4 slots.)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Can confirm that this still happens even if you set it to only reserve 5 spots in a 50 player lobby. At first I thought it might be a regional issue with the server availability but it seems to just happen at random. Hoping they can fix this as It’s especially annoying for devs games with less than 200 players.


When were these screenshots taken, and what is the PlaceID?

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Roblox server management has always been bad, though I don’t know if it’s ever been at this point. Consider making your own custom server management.

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I think it’s bugging out for my experience because despite setting social slots to 0, or setting it to optimal etc. It doesn’t do anything. I think the bug only occurs when theres more than a few servers, then it starts making 1-2 player servers for no reason whatsoever, I’ve tested this quite a few times and it usually happens if the player count is above 20 or 40 (one-two full servers). This killed my retention hugely.

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I’ve set it to 0, optimal and 6. All with about the same results.

The screenshots were taken yesterday, but this issue has been affecting the experience for months now. I didn’t push this issue because I assumed it was meant to happen, but when it happened to such a large scale, then the implication of it not being designed to happen seemed more obvious.

I’m not sure if they’re directly correlated but I’ve lost hundreds of players from this issue, accompanied with search algorithm issues.

My place ID is 16097325337


Is this issue fixed? Trying to launch my game but it needs 3/8 players to start and it keeps spawning in multiple servers with only 2 players despite social slots being disabled…