Roblox is looking for Interns for the Studio Team!

Thanks for responding so quickly. Is Roblox requiring face-to-face interviews for this and is there a set range of dates that you’re looking at for starting and/or ending?

Face-to-face is not required, but we do interview over skype/hangouts or whatever videoconferencing is available.
There are no dates, seasons or whatever. Whenever your school lets you.

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Okay, when would be a good time to get serious about applying? I could give you my resume now, but it’s sure to get changed over course of the year

edit: that sounds a little like jumping the fence, I didn’t mean it to sound that way, but I could give you my resume to have on file for the future*

aw man I wish I didn’t have college :frowning:

When will Roblox next be looking for interns for the web team? I’m currently studying Web Development and Administration and would be interested in that learning environment. Also I’d imagine that pesky C++ experience requirement wouldn’t be as prevalent in the web team’s requirements?

Rah. Alas, I’m not 18.

If you can pass the programming test that is provided in C++, you know enough about C++ to work on the client.

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Oo that’s hopeful. I think the one my friend showed me had 2 questions.

Any opportunities with the design team?

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I’ve recently took an interest in internship, but I am 14. Are the internships available to people overseas, to come in. Or are there additional paperwork that needs to be done? I plan to (hopefully) apply to intern as a university student. Another question: how long are internship periods, so for example, can I intern during university summer break, and then finish internship in time to come back to university?

I’m not the person you replied to, but here are a few things I know:

  1. You must be 18+
  2. Internships are available to international applicants, but you must be working towards a 4 year degree (to get the visa needed to work in the US)
  3. Internship periods are separated between Spring, Summer, and Fall. There aren’t hard date requirements - Roblox will work with you to find a schedule that fits.

A four year degree? Enlighten me with what you mean by that. I need to be working towards 4 years of computer science in university?

I’m not sure if there’s confusion because university/college mean two different things overseas (whereas in the US they’re used interchangeably), but by that he means you need to be working in a post-secondary schooling towards a Computer Science or similar (e.g. Software Engineering, Game Design, etc) degree. You’re still a long ways away from this since you’re 14.

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Actually, I’m heading to university within 2 years. I am homeschooled, so I started my schooling much earlier, I think (hope, fingers crossed my family supports) I will be majoring in Computer Science. Thanks for clearing that up :smiley:

Basically, as long as you are working towards a bachelor/master, you’re fine.

Gotcha: You need to have completed at least the first year of your program, else the visa agency is going to deny you. Learned that one the hard way.

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