Roblox is Silencing Games – What Are They Hiding From Us?

At this point, you’re seeing patterns that aren’t there.

I can definitely find it when I search up your stuff. Your post is literally competing against all other posts for views. It is not that rocket science.


It’s visible now? I mean it was obviously bumped but yknow

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Scroll down. How many posts are there

Du-uh… You’re literally competing against other posts…


topics go further down until they get bumped by the edit on the topic or a new reply…

that’s quite literally how the forum works, and other forums too.


This makes a lot of sense and I have studied game design outside of this experience.

When analyzing my own game, I can see that my game makes several mistakes in the core gameplay loop, being in a saturated genre, etc.

However, theres not much I can do other than if I were to:

  1. Move away from the original fnaf concept and instead add things like a unique story and mechanics. I would probably need to add unique monsters and such.
  2. Add multiplayer and maybe free roam.
  3. Use a different map
  4. Fix functionality: I would probably need to redo a lot of scripts to be more modular, and thus more functional.


Its not very encouraging toward future support of the game, especially toward my proposed solution of redoing a lot of elements, because of the lack of success I am seeing currently. I am worrying that all the effort I would put in would go to nothing. There is a common critique I give for the horror genre: They’re limited in appeal. I would say that just like horror movies, there are lots of people who would avoid overly scary games and prefer combat/social games more. I also critique the replayability of horror games since stories and such are more of a one and done, especially with YouTubers featuring the content.

However, I feel as though these changes are against what I originally wanted this game: I wanted the original Fnaf experience for those who cant typically access it.

Also thanks for the feedback that the donation system is messed up. If you found that by trying to donate, thanks for your donation!


You should change the name of your post. Your current title: Massives NPCs Game in Roblox - Thousands moving visible NPC tested in my own place Has the criques of:

  1. Its too lengthy
  2. I don’t understand what its saying
  3. Its not clicky.

Since I don’t understand what its saying its hard for me to give suggestions however my general advice is to make the title of your topic more interesting than the topic itself. For example my current topic (Roblox is Silencing Games – What Are They Hiding From Us?) is “clicky” because it suggests a broader issue: Roblox is hiding games. It suggests an ominous reason for doing, even potentially malicious. However when you go to my actual post you will see my more individualized situation.

Here are some examples of more engaging and concise titles based on the feedback you received:

1. “Battlefield Overload: Can Roblox Handle 20,000 NPCs?”

This title highlights the massive scale of NPCs while hinting at potential performance issues.

2. “The Future of NPC Battles: 20K Troops in Roblox!”

This one suggests innovation and invites curiosity about the mechanics behind it.

3. “Can Roblox Revolutionize NPC Warfare with 20K Characters?”

This title raises questions about the potential for change in gameplay dynamics.

4. “Testing Limits: 20,000 Moving NPCs in Roblox!”

Focusing on the testing aspect creates intrigue about your experimental project.

5. “Roblox NPCs: How Many Can You Control?”

This title encourages interaction and discussion about player control over NPCs.

6. “Massive NPCs: The Next Frontier in Roblox Gaming?”

This suggests that your game is part of a larger trend, enticing readers to explore.

7. “Epic Battles: Testing 20K NPCs in My Roblox Game!”

Using “epic” adds excitement, while also specifying the focus on battles.

8. “Can Roblox Support 20,000 NPCs? Join the Experiment!”

This title invites readers to participate and emphasizes the experimental nature of your project.

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I appreciate and commend that. And, I don’t think you should change your original vision. If anything, I want to support creators more who stray from what Roblox’s limiting system pushes.

I want to see a world where your game can be better supported on Roblox. I think changing search and discovery, in addition to bringing people outside the Roblox audience, is the way to do that. But, I digress.

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there are maybe 12 fnaf fangames on the platform that are 10 times better than yours :slight_smile:

Multiply that by two. also maybe if you squared it that would be more accurate ngl

I take that back cube it

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Thanks for the feedback regarding the game. What are some games you think are better, and what do you like more about that?

Also I am aware of FNAF: Coop, but as I mentioned its not actually the original game since they have stuff like free roam.

Fnaf 2 reimagined blows your game from the water by a lot. And than theres an help wanted port, which includes fnaf 1-4, and also, why would you want an non original game? Whats the point? Why would anyone want to play your game when there are more interesting games like Fnaf:Coop or Forgotten memories?

  • Fnaf 2 Reimagined is FNaf 2 not fnaf 1.
  • Fnaf: coop doesnt stick to the original gameplay
  • Help wanted port has worse graphics.

My game is the best Fnaf 1 game on roblox, that sticks to the original gameplay.

does it really matter? why would anyone want to play an exact bad copy of an game? What even the point?

no it dosent, the graphics look very similar to the actual game, unlike yours

My game has better graphics than the original game.

no it doesn’t, your game literally uses the base Roblox materials, while the game I have linked uses surface appearance objects, and custom textures.

bro this looks like lego. Compare that to this

also if you mean fnaf 1 here you are more wrong that you have been so far