Roblox isn't accepting my DMCAs

Some group has put onsale an UGC item using the mesh I created. I’ve tried reporting this through Rights Manager but it was in vain. I can prove I am the rights holder because I created the assset way earlier and it’s under my name.

Stolen Mesh/ My Creation
RenderMesh - Creator Store

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They did the same to me reporting games stealing my game icon (probably just bots but I still want them taken down).

The reason? COULD NOT verify that I was the owner. HOW, my game was made like 3 years before them, even shown in the screenshots, Who is running the DMCA moderation? Someone just clicking reject on everything and collecting a paycheck?


I think, its because the dominus are mostly alredy a copy and paste from original roblox catalog dominus. Which mean you also did a copy of the original item.

Simple answer, you don’t own the concept and copyright rights for the dominus.

What you did is fraudulent claim, which got rightfully rejected.


Those aren’t the reasons why the DMCA takedown was rejected.

Captura de pantalla 2025-02-03 172919

In case they detected it was a copy from the original Dominus, it’d say it contains 3rd party elements or brands. And I’m not making money out of this, they are.

In the rejection notice it says the reason (Its unclear it infringes on “Your” intellectual property) The dominus is not your property. Its a knock off of Roblox’s Dominus which is Roblox’s property.

Rightfully rejected

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But that was the reason as to why it was rejected…

It clearly states “The original design does not contain sufficient originality required to qualify for robust copyright protection” which basically means that your mesh isn’t original enough to be protected by copyright.

That refers to when they don’t detect because there aren’t enough details to decide if the asset is original enough for rights protection. For example, you can’t DMCA a cube mesh. The message you’d get for copying a dominus is the following one:


The moderator reviewing this could’ve simply just have picked the wrong option by accident as the wording is quite similar, with the intention being this option.

Yeah, that could be a realistic option. In that case I hope the fix the Rights Manager system to make it clear. Choosing a wrong option by accident can cause confution.

Both rejection reasons are accurate to your situation as one describes it more so in vague term. But it does apply to your rejection. I don’t understand what the problem is as your request was Rightfully Rejected and both Rejection reason would apply just the first one you screenshot is more in a vague term.

If you aren’t using the mesh for anything right now you could just archive it. (Take this with a grain of salt but I think you can also unarchive things later if you ever need them again)