Roblox issue? Changing camera type is broken

I’m working on tank system and for scope i’m using scriptable camera type. For 3rd person (no scope) i’m using custom type with part as an camera subject.
Few days ago everything was good: When you change Scriptable → Custom camera had same orientation CFrame as in Scriptable mode. But today i found that now it applies character’s orientation CFrame!

Here you can see how it worked. Check 1:06.

Here you can see how it works now.

I had already opened 10 days ago place copies- i still have this problem, so problem isnt in my curves hands.
Any ideas?

Can you elaborate the issue in more detail please

I’ll try to.
Imagine that on this picture:

  • brick - character;
  • green vector - character lookvector;
  • red vector - camera lookvector when you scoped
    Current camera type is Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

Now we change by script camera type on Enum.CameraType.Custom. After that:

  1. Earlier (few days ago): Camera lookvector didnt change. So the picture won’t change.
  2. Now: Camera lookvector changes to character lookvector, picture looks like that:
  • Green vector - character lookvector
  • Red vector - new camera lookvector
  • Blue vector - camera lookvector before camera type changing and how new camera lookvector supposed to be

I had the same issue. This guy manage to fix it, I hope this helps.

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