Massive issue and hope staff gets on it quick. Running into the same issue with something I’m working on and it doesn’t seem there’s anything I can do to get around it.
ahhh. I have been having this issue today as well, hopefully it is fixed quickly.
Same issue here, the only way I was able to fix it was by saving the cframe and waiting a frame before resetting the camera to that position, but it doesn’t feel good in-game.
I am not sure if it changed at some point in the past few days. My solution has been to maintain the Custom camera type and just lock the camera by setting up a function in RunService:BindToRenderStep() to lock the camera in place. However, when I was testing other fixes, even just waiting a frame was not working out. In my testing, it did not matter how long I waited before setting the camera position after returning to CameraType.Custom. It depended on whether or not tthe player manually moved their camera or not yet. If the player did not move their camera yet, I would be entirely unable to set the position of it. So unfortunately, for now, RunService is my solution.
Roblox please fix this immediately
My players are suffering
Same issue here, i was working on my module for make the camera go back to is original position smoothly but it end up getting reset because of this:
but i found a solution, for anyone looking for a fix, here how you can currently fix this issue:
Yoooo! Thanks :3
I will try that
Roblox, hire this man! He knows how to fix your issues!
This is an issue in Pizza Place as well. Players are having a hard time playing.
I’m also dealing with this issue with In Plain Sight 2. It would be much appreciated if this change could be rolled back until a new fix is made.
Lol I thought I was going crazy with this new behavior
I am having the same issue… bump
I even went to edit my script, and try and simulate how roblox determines where to put the camera after setting it to cameraType custom
only problem is, its like 2 degrees off for some reason I cannot understand.
anyways now i feel like i just wasted several minutes
I thought there was something wrong with my code. Just a glitch of the camera.
A temporary solution
-- When restoring
local cameraCFrame = workspace.Camera.CFrame
workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom
workspace.Camera.CFrame = cameraCFrame
I have noticed this bug as well and it is very annoying. I think many games including my own were designed around the CFrame remaining unchanged after changing the camera from custom to scriptable and then back to custom. This did not happen before and it needs to be fixed.
that’s great, didn’t think you could even change those scripts!
I made a post explaining where in Roblox’s default PlayerModule the bug can be found, and how it can be patched. Please fix!
YES! thanks for reporting this, it ruined my RDC 2025 submission and a bunch of my other projects XD
Bump, I am SO tired of problems like this. I am making a new game, and it seems like I always come across a dumb problem like this to make me give up because it stumbles my development and by the time it’s fixed (about 1 lightyear) I would have already given up on the entire project.
It’s not as If I’m going to give up necessarily, but I won’t endure much of this.