Roblox jeep with no body

Trying ti understand why the default jeep malfunctions when I remove the body, I kept the engine, thrusters, wheels, base, seat, I just removed the stuff I didn’t need, and it was not driving how I expected, is it due to something involving mass? Why, I don’t understand

Are there any errors? Check the output, and see what it says.

This may not be what you want to hear, but avoid the default jeep at all costs. As you’ve experienced, it is extremely hard to manipulate and change the code, body, and order, which is why so many games have the jeep (with nothing changed about the body except for the basic color). I would suggest just not using the jeep.

This article will walk you through building a car similar to the jeep, with suspension, and I really enjoy it. It is easy to use, change, and manage. The article: Building a Basic Car

If you have any questions, feel free to just ask! So you are aware, you may need to change the script that they give, because it refers to the wheels like:

local LeftWheel = game.Workspace.LeftWheel

which will not work if you have any other cars. Instead, group the car into a model, move the script inside, and change it to something like

local LeftWheel = script.Parent.LeftWheel

Keep in mind, that’s just an example. I think you’ll find that article really helpful :slight_smile:

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