Roblox just shutdown and updated on it's own while being used

Im not even sure what to say… It’s i think maybe my first ever post on the forums so excuse me if i make any mistakes, lol (Im also unsure if this is the right category, im just really mad and confused right now)

So um i was just working on a bigger update for one of the games im working on, the game is somewhat dead with around 50 players so i decided to update it.

I spent around 3 hours working on finishing this update when roblox studio (just now) decided to close itself and start updating (I was scripting and no, i wasn’t asked if i wanna update the studio it just did it on it’s own for some reason)

Is there a way to recover my progress or is it forever lost? I sadly forgot to enable Team Create so it wasn’t automaticly saved, and no i did not publish before the unexpected restart.

Doesn’t Studio have an auto-recovery file creation feature? There should be a folder on your computer where Roblox does keep the auto-recovered files. I think it’s C:\ROBLOX\AutoSaves.

I can’t find it the AutoSaves folder, i know that they exist or atleast existed before but i couldn’t find them at all. I tried searching for AutoSaves but i just can’t find it!

Then try and just go to Quick Access and search “autosaves”. If not, then Studio should just prompt you with an autosave. If not then I don’t what to tell you.

I already tried the Quick Access, and for the prompt thing ever since i got the new Roblox Studio UI i seem to not be getting that AutoSave prompt for some reason…

Last resort would be to check your file history, but if your computer doesn’t back the AutoSaves folder then your file is probably lost. You should always save every once and a while because going 3 hours without saving is kind of a silly move.

Thank you for the help i guess, since i couldn’t find the AutoSaves i would assume that the progress is lost so im probably gonna have to remake that stuff…

Check your Studio AutoSave timer. It’ll tell you if the AutoSave is or isn’t set up to work, and should direct you to where the file would be if it is saving.
The Output window should also have an indication pop-up. You may be out of luck.

Where can i find the AutoSave timer?

Somewhere in settings. I think it’s in the Studio section.


File > Studio Settings > Studio > Auto-Recovery
Make sure Auto-Recovery Enabled is true.
Set the interval at what you are comfortable with.

It should be in a Roblox folder in your Documents folder on your computer.


Found it, thank you so much!!!


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