I’m currently working on a custom camera system in Roblox.
Issue that arises however is that whenever more than 1 camera object is present in Workspace, Roblox parents all other cameras to nil.
This is severely annoying as I have to reparent them back every time and there’s no guarantee that a camera object will be present when another script would have to look for it.
Any potential solutions would be greatly appreciated, this seems like such a simple and trivial thing to solve however this seems like one of Roblox weird, hard-coded quirks that have no obvious work-around.
I must guarantee that a camera ALWAYS exists, I cannot have random, unwarranted nil-parenting happening in my projects.
I would recommend placing parts where you need other cameras to be and then doing the rest in a local script.
Here’s some code that may help you:
local cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
local RandomCamera=game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("RandomCamera")--this is a part
You can reset the players camera by doing this in a local script:
I do know how to script cameras, I disabled Roblox player modules since I’m writing my own from scratch.
Cameras are already scriptable, the issue is that they keep getting parented to nil when switching to a different camera.
It’s as if Roblox doesn’t allow multiple camera objects to exist simultaneously.
Which is weird, reparenting them back to workspace DOES seem to make them re-appear, but only momentarily, if workspace.CurrentCamera is changed, cameras are reparented to nil.
Strangely enough cameras do not get reparented if placed inside a model or object, they just do if there is more than 1 camera in workspace (top hierarchy).
This is so weird because I can find nothing about it in the Roblox documentation.
Definitely some undocumented engine level behavior, I remember getting confused about this when I made my first main menu screens and character customization screens lol.
The current solution for this problem just seems to be to simply not parent a camera to workspace but place it inside a model, part or any other object instead.
I’ll mark it as the solution for now.
It’s definitely undocumented engine behavior which is why I requested a change to the documentation.
I honestly wish this behavior was customizable as I find it quite inconvenient at least.