This is the issue:
The game randomly, kicks random players, at random times (it seems).
There is no script with :Kick() and, I’m pretty sure it’s not a script doing it.
Here is the output:
That is one issue on its own, but when this happens all the scripts in the game start firing and looping in weird ways. (That does not happen when a player just leaves)
If anyone knows about this please tell me.
(BTW if it is a bug, then I can’t post it in bug reports, because I can’t post there.)
This could be a Roblox thing or a network thing.
Since it’s there’s no sign of :Kick() anywhere. Maybe they look like one of these? Also I suggest looking up the error code to find more about it.
Is there a lot of lag that is disconnecting players?
Have you added any new items or plugins from the Toolbox about the time that this started? Since other scripts are being affected there may be a harmful script that’s infecting the game from a new item.
Yes, but what does the kick message say? @MarkNoVanity gave a whole bunch of examples and your reply was ‘that is message’ so it doesn’t help us troubleshoot the issue you are having.
My question was if you have put anything new in the game from the Toolbox. Scripts can get hidden in hard to find locations.
I meant, yes that is THE message. I was replying to the screenshot of KerW which was showing a kick message. I said I sweeped the game for viruses and I generally know how viruses work so I doubt it is that, especially because there is nothing from the tool box in the game. As I said, if it is a virus it must be from a plugin, and very well hidden since I checked literally every single script for kicking and lagging stuff, etc. Also the picture I showed shows a blue message, which leads me to believe its a little more complicated than a script in the game.
Explained the whole situation to the roblox support thing because I can’t post in bug reports, and I’m running low on options. First the told me to restart my PC. Then I said its a lot of players that get kicked not just me, then they sent me this embarrassing email.