Roblox Kills Internet Connection

OK. Your troubleshooting steps have been good so far. If the actual routers WAN Link status changes then that is not a good sign. With DSL, the connection is trained over a period of time based upon the signal it is receiving from your telco over the copper connection. Temporary sign issues, can cause the DSL connection to train itself to connect at lower and lower speeds over a period of time. What I am getting at is, have you tried just turning the router off for 30 mins, then trying again, see if it still occurs.

The fact that the WAN Status shows down removes a localised WiFi issue. WiFi signals get easily interupted/dispered by walls and are massively affected by the distance form the router.

You could also try a spare DSL splitter/adapter if you have one available. This is the dongle thing that connects to the phone line. If you have multiple phone outlets in the house, then you could try plugging the router in to a different sockets, to see if it only one socket affected or all.

It is a slow process of elimination.

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I just realized I completely mixed up the WAN Link and the WAN Connection. It is the WAN Connection that says “Disconnected” when my internet goes down and not the WAN Link. Sorry for the confusion. I’ll attach a screenshot of what it says when it is down.

I found a bunch of DSL splitters in a box and attached one to the phone line port. I noticed that I was able to stay ingame for around 3 minutes instead of it instantly going down after 30 seconds. It was probably just a coincidence.

I am waiting for a good time to turn my router off for 30 minutes since everybody at my house is using it. I will update you then. Thanks again for all the help!

I finally turned my router off for around 30 minutes and turned it back on and unfortunately the issue still occurs. I recieved a reply from a person in Developer Relations saying that I should use a command to flush my DNS cache but I’ve done that many times before already with no success. They said that I should try to reinstall windows as a last resort which I may do.

Thats fairly drastic action to take. If you have a spare drive, you could remove/disconnect your current OS drive, add the spare and install Windows on that. That way, you preserve your existing disk if fails to fix the problem.

i have this issue too. doesn’t seem to be very rare

Personally, this is beyond anything I’ve ever seen. But I’ll try and solve anyways.

•Are you allowing the Roblox program full access to your internet? A possible issue is that you aren’t allowing Roblox programs past your firewall, which can interrupt its connection to the internet.

•What brand, year and model is your computer? If you have an older model, theres a possibility that your hardware just cant handle roblox or cannot reach a stability on your network anymore.

•how close are you to your router? Its possible that you’re too far away from the main network to have a stable connection. A simple fix to this is to either move closer or buy some cheap wifi range extenders.

•How many devices would you say are on your wifi network at any time? Its probable that your network is overloaded, which may result in unstable internet connection or network outages.

Hope you find a fix to your dilemma! This post is a little old, but if you’re still having this issue, try these methods. If not, consider purchasing a Ethernet cable or a new device.

I don’t live at the same house anymore, but when I did it just kinda stopped one day. I was able to play games and I occasionally lost connection. Now that I don’t live there anymore I don’t think I have the same issue, but I also haven’t played very much Roblox lately so who knows.

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im having the same issue, could never find a fix…

well I guess im “SOL” cuase my mom dose nothing but watch tv all day and kinda ruins the ROBLOX experience for me. im going to wait for ROBLOX to actually find a fix for this before playing anymore games on it.

or atleast wait till fiber optic cable gets to my place -_-

I don’t live in the same place as I did when I was having the issues, so they are gone for good. When I was still living there, it eventually stopped and would only sometimes make my wifi go down after playing for a while.

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