Roblox kills my entire home internet connection when previewing uploaded assets

Roblox kills my entire home internet when i try to preview an asset:

The issue comes when i try to preview my assets by clicking on their - “Image”, “Texture”, “TextureID”
, “ColorMap”, “RoughnessMap”, “NormalMap”, i happen to have alot grass and stuff simply because im forced to reupload same images over and over again because im not waiting for the preview window to display the asset im looking for for a full hour(yes im not sarcastic, hour), i type in grass for example, it will never pop up, ever… ever, everything else will get loaded EXCEPT what i need and not rarely roblox will stall on the preview and never come back disabling internet on my phones my laptops and my familys devices as well, i need this feature very often this is crazy
ps.roblox should load images based on canvas position in the scrolling frame, not blindly just mass load every single damn image and get stuck on some
when the preview window closes, roblox should terminate attempts at loading the images or atleast make it a one time thing where its stored in memory until studio is closed because this is absolutely unacceptable guys its hidious its ruining my work flow please just help


bottom right - internet usage monitor
task manager - for closing roblox to show how the internet usage goes down
note - task manager wont even display roblox network usage anymore even tho its maximum

This is also the major cause of the slow texture loading once the id is pasted in because in the background the window is still downloading all the preview images causing the actual texture that you pasted in to load like 30 seconds later



So sorry for the late response here. We’ve found someone to look into this.


There should be some improvements to use a faster asset fetching endpoint for this UI, do you still encounter any issues?

Apologies for my very late reply I was on a long road for a while, however no it’s not nearly as bad.