Roblox launcher crashes when launching experiences from browser

Visual Aid:

Work Around:
Launch experiences directly in the Roblox client app.

System Information:
Computer: 15-inch MacBook Air, 2023
Chip: Apple M2
Memory: 16gb
macOS: Sonoma 14.0

Browser Information:
Name: Firefox
Version: 117.0
Build ID: 20230824132758
Update Channel: release

A private message is associated with this bug report


This is a known issue with Firefox on MacOS. There’s a thread with multiple solutions here. Otherwise, using another browser would fix the problem.

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Thanks for sharing some a couple of work arounds! Looks like the original thread was locked and closed despite the bug still persisting so hopefully this report of it will get logged again and it can be further investigated by engineers.

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Thanks for the report; We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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This should be resolved! Are you still having issues?