Roblox Lighting Exporter (Blender)

Hello! I recently made a Roblox Lighting Exporter for blender and Roblox!
The Roblox Side: Zens Light Exporter - Roblox
The Blender side: Zens Light Reader -

Here’s a tutorial on how to use it!:

  1. First, make sure you are logged into your Roblox account.

  2. Once you have clicked on the Roblox link, On the plugin’s page, click on the “Get” button to purchase the plugin.

  3. Once the purchase is complete, click on the “My Purchases” tab in the top menu to view your purchased items.

  4. Find the plugin you just purchased in the list of your purchases and click on the “Try In Studio” button.

To run the plugin, you will need to have Roblox Studio installed on your computer. Once you have Roblox Studio installed, follow these steps:

  1. Open Roblox Studio and create a new game or open an existing game.

  2. The plugin will be imported into your game and you can use it by clicking on the “Plugins” tab and selecting the plugin from the list.

Exporting the lights

  1. In the Explorer window on the right side of the screen, expand the “Workspace” folder and find the “Lights” folder.

  2. Right-click on the “Lights” folder and select “Export Selection” from the context menu.

  3. In the “Export Selection” window that appears, select the location where you want to save the .obj file and click the “Export” button.

How to import Lights into blender

  1. In Blender, go to the “File” menu and select “Import” from the dropdown menu.

  2. In the “Import” window that appears, select “Wavefront (.obj)” from the list of options.

  3. Click the “Browse” button and navigate to the location where you saved the .obj file.

  4. Select the .obj file and click the “Import OBJ” button.

The .obj file will be imported into Blender.

It is important to note that you should enable the “Split by Group” option when importing an .obj file. This will ensure that the objects in the .obj file are imported as separate objects in Blender, rather than being imported as a single object.

To enable the “Split by Group” option, follow these steps:

  1. In the “Import” window, go to the “Import OBJ” panel on the right side of the screen.

  2. Scroll down and check the “Split by Groups” checkbox.

With the “Split by Group” option enabled, the “Lights” .obj file will be imported with each light as a separate object in Blender.

  1. In Blender, press “A” on your keyboard to select all objects in the scene.

  2. With all objects selected, go to the “Object” menu in the top menu and select “Set Origin” from the dropdown menu.

  3. In the “Set Origin” menu, select “Origin to Geometry” from the list of options.

Running the Reader

  1. In the top menu bar, go to “Text > Open Text Block” and select the “Zens Light Reader” script, Or go to the scripting tab and paste the code in. This will open the script in a new window within Blender.

  2. To run the script, you can either press “Run Script” in the Text Editor menu or use the shortcut Ctrl + P.

  3. The script will now be executed and you should see the results in the Blender viewport.

How to link all lights together in a Blender scene and change the power and radius:

  1. In Blender, select all of the lights in the scene by pressing “A” on your keyboard.

  2. With all of the lights selected, press “Ctrl+L” to bring up the “Make Links” menu.

  3. In the “Make Links” menu, select “Object Data” from the list of options.

  4. This will link all of the selected lights together, so that any changes made to one light will be applied to all of the linked lights.

  5. To change the power of the lights, select one of the linked lights and go to the “Properties” panel on the right side of the screen.

  6. To change the radius of the light, select one of the linked lights and go to the “Properties” panel on the right side of the screen.

Using the same steps as importing the Lights you can export the map and import it into blender

If there are any issues let me know!

For texturing issues, refer to this Post: Blender Roblox Map Fixer

Have a great day!

I thought i should explain how this works so if you don’t care I don’t mind but this is how it works!

First the Roblox side plugin runs through all of the lights in a scene, placing a small block at the same position as the light. After it sets the color of the part to the light color

Second on the blender side, the script reads all of the cubes and texture colors and places lights based on that! then moves the lights to the cubes.

Hope that explains how this works! I do hope to use the scale to add different things like power and what type of light it is but we will see what comes out! Enjoy your day!


This is a very useful resource. Thank you so much! I have been doing graphic designs for Roblox-related content for years now and I find it very frustrating to export and import things such as maps and other assets into Blender. There are methods and ways of fixing it, but I find it peculiar and confusing to do - so this right here, is really something for me.

With this, you just saved up a lot of my time from having to do this and that just to achieve and replicate the same scene from before. You’re a life saver! Thank you for making these handy tools and sharing them to us that don’t know.


I dont get what you mean by the Export one, because you cant export a folder? i did clicked on the plugin tab and that give me a folder yet i cant export it. The light folder is empty btw

If its empty that means it either bugged or there isnt any valid lights. I used it recently and it worked fine so retry

wdym by valid lights? like Atmosphere,Bloom,Color correction,etc?

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valid lights are parented to attachments, parts, and meshparts


Hello, i’d like to use the plugin but the roblox link broke, idk if it’s intended or not, or just discontinued.

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