If you want to get the RAP of a limited item, then you can use the economy api. You would need to use a proxy (such as rprxy) to access the api since you’re doing it from inside the game.
Here’s an example of getting item data for the Red Sparkle Time Fedora:
local ID = 72082328
local HttpService = game:GetService'HttpService'
local Response = HttpService:GetAsync(string.format("https://economy.rprxy.xyz/v1/assets/%s/resale-data", ID))
['priceDataPoints'] = {
[1] = {
['date'] = "2021-02-02T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 20000,
[2] = {
['date'] = "2021-01-26T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 68100,
[3] = {
['date'] = "2021-01-10T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 45000,
[4] = {
['date'] = "2020-12-18T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 100000,
[5] = {
['date'] = "2020-12-09T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 80000,
['numberRemaining'] = 0,
['originalPrice'] = 10000,
['volumeDataPoints'] = {
[1] = {
['date'] = "2021-02-02T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 1,
[2] = {
['date'] = "2021-01-26T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 1,
[3] = {
['date'] = "2021-01-10T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 1,
[4] = {
['date'] = "2020-12-18T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 1,
[5] = {
['date'] = "2020-12-09T06:00:00Z",
['value'] = 1,
['sales'] = 100,
['assetStock'] = 100,
['recentAveragePrice'] = 996195,