Roblox Limited Items show a nil value when trying to show price in game?

Hello. When I use this code to find the price of a Roblox item it successfully shows the price of the item. For example this code shows the Violet Valkyrie is worth 50,000 robux. However when I do this with a Limited’s it shows in the output that it is a nil value? Is there any fix for this or is it because the Roblox Limited’s change in price?

while true do
local Asset = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):GetProductInfo(1402432199)
Item = Asset.Name .. " Costs " .. Asset.PriceInRobux.." In Robux"
	game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.TextLabel.Text = Item

You can’t currently get the price info for a limited as it can randomly sell out and your code would quickly become outdated within seconds.

This is the same for selling limiteds as well.

If you want to get the RAP of a limited item, then you can use the economy api. You would need to use a proxy (such as rprxy) to access the api since you’re doing it from inside the game.!/Resale/get_v1_assets_assetId_resale_data

Here’s an example of getting item data for the Red Sparkle Time Fedora:

local ID = 72082328

local HttpService = game:GetService'HttpService'
local Response = HttpService:GetAsync(string.format("", ID))

	['priceDataPoints'] = {
		[1] = {
			['date'] = "2021-02-02T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 20000,
		[2] = {
			['date'] = "2021-01-26T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 68100,
		[3] = {
			['date'] = "2021-01-10T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 45000,
		[4] = {
			['date'] = "2020-12-18T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 100000,
		[5] = {
			['date'] = "2020-12-09T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 80000,
	['numberRemaining'] = 0,
	['originalPrice'] = 10000,
	['volumeDataPoints'] = {
		[1] = {
			['date'] = "2021-02-02T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 1,
		[2] = {
			['date'] = "2021-01-26T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 1,
		[3] = {
			['date'] = "2021-01-10T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 1,
		[4] = {
			['date'] = "2020-12-18T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 1,
		[5] = {
			['date'] = "2020-12-09T06:00:00Z",
			['value'] = 1,
	['sales'] = 100,
	['assetStock'] = 100,
	['recentAveragePrice'] = 996195,
1 Like

Ok. It seems a bit complicated for me but Thanks for your help!