As Roblox is focusing a lot more on Limiteds, why don’t we have a “Buy Order” system similar to the one on the Steam Marketplace? I, alongside quite a few other people, believe it would be not only helpful, but benefit the Roblox economy.
Below is a reference for how it could look like:
The “Buy Order” feature will work as follows:
1.) If somebody sells the Dominus at 6,750,000 Robux, the amount Yourius is willing to pay, the Dominus will automatically be sold to Yourius and deducts 6.75M Robux from his account, giving the Robux to whoever sold their Dominus.
1a.) If somebody sold the item at 6.7M, the amount qliz is willing to pay, the Dominus will be given to whoever placed the order first. If Yourius placed the “Buy Order” first, he will automatically receive the Dominus first and 6.7M will be taken from his account.
1c.) If, for some reason, the person wishes to specifically to sell it to qliz, they can press the “Sell” button next to qliz’s offer.
2.) If somebody decides to be a whimsical little fellow and sells it for 6,756,756 Robux, a literal 0.1% difference in price, it doesn’t meet the requirement for Yourius, the person with the highest offer, to automatically buy it.
However, considering it’s such literally a 0.1% difference in price, I think that when you create a “Buy Order”, it should automatically ask if they want to notified of a % difference from their “Buy Order”. Just in case if somebody wants to get rather whimsical.
Of course, if they don’t wish to, they don’t have to say they do. However, if they wish to be notified, and somebody does sell it for a small % difference, they should get notified similar in a way to shown below:

3.) Goes without say, but if for any reason Yourius has less than 6.75M Robux, it should automatically remove his offer.
How will it help the economy?
For those curious on how it will help the economy, I will clarify that as simply as I can.
Knowing the roundabout the price people will pay for an item can better help players understand the economy and give players who want to sell their item, but unsure what the best pricepoint may be to sell it at, the opportunity to learn what to expect to both sell or pay for an item.
Also, instead of players having to constantly check the price or ask “Hey, can anybody sell [insert Limited example here] at [insert price here]?” to anybody who has the item, they can just give what a fair price, with consideration to the item’s value, that they’re willing to pay and see whether somebody will sell it at that price, making the process of acquiring and selling an item much easier, creating much more fair transactions and potentially less undersellings, giving players the fair and proper value of an item.
Lastly, people who want to purchase an item will not have to constantly check whether they item is selling at the maximum amount they’re willing to pay for it, but can just give their offer and somebody can take it up on it, and also, potentially mesasge them on Roblox negotiating the price, making the process of acquiring and selling Limiteds much more easier and vibrant.
Thank you @ZAZC_x for helping by writing all of this. Here’s the original tweet I made regarding requesting the feature: