Roblox Limiting my DataStore Requests

I’ve made a a moderation system, in which it stores several pieces of data onto a data store. I made it easy for the moderators to be able to access all players that have been banned by having a GUI display, the reason why they where banned, by which moderator, + more. It is updated every 30 seconds. But Roblox limits my data-store. Is there something I’m doing wrong, a work around or what?

This is the error:

These are the parts that I use the datastore for.

local AllBans = BanStore:ListKeysAsync()
local value = BanStore:GetAsync(v.KeyName)

This runs every 30 seconds.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thankyou.

This is normal. Roblox restricts the amount of api requests you can have in a minute

So should I set it to around 2 minutes instead of 30 seconds?

I would recommend that, yes. But also, if you save any other game data for players, you have to keep in mind that those also take up api requests. I would opt for every two or three minutes

Alright thankyou for the help, much appreciated!

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