Roblox lineforces applying at world origin, despite the client and server agreeing that both attachment points are not

I’ve been trying to create a mock admin command that pulls people in, which is something i’ve done before, but for some reason, things have gone weirdly this time.
No matter what i try and do, the player is always pulled towards the world origin, instead of the attachment point, which the client and server both agree on the position of (everything is done by serverscript, anyway)
What’s going on here?

“Attachment” is the attachment at the centre of the green-teal sphere.
“CrushPull” is the attachment attached to each joint of the player.

Here’s the relevant section of code. It’s quite a mess because of the amount of testing i’ve been doing to try and solve this.

local Inrange = workspace:GetPartBoundsInRadius(Crush.Position, 10)
	local PullHitCharacters = {}
	for _, Part in Inrange do
		if Part.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") then
			if (not table.find(PullHitCharacters, Part.Parent)) or Part.Parent:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Humanoid") then
				table.insert(PullHitCharacters, Part.Parent)
				for _,PartInModel in Part.Parent:GetChildren() do
					if not PartInModel:IsA("BasePart") then continue end
					if PartInModel.Anchored ~= true then pcall(function() Part:SetNetworkOwner(nil) end) end
					local AT1="Attachment")
					AT1.Parent = Part.Parent.HumanoidRootPart
					AT1.Name = "Crushpull"
					local Force = script.LineForceBase:Clone()
					Force.Name = "CharacterForce"
					Force.Attachment1 = AT1
					Force.Attachment0 = Crush.Attachment
					Force.Parent = Crush

					--TweenService:Create(NewForce, CrushTween, {Magnitude = 1000000}):Play()
				--task.delay(399, function()

p.s: removing the line that sets networkownership doesn’t help

Funnily enough, the solution was disabling lineforce.ApplyAtCentreOfMass of all things.
Very odd. The player has mass, last i checked. (and the sphere also had massless set to false)