Roblox Microsoft Application Cursor Drifts Offscreen

I am experiencing the issue too.

This is happening on the latest version of Roblox available on the Microsoft Store (Version 2.624.521.0).
Tested on Windows 10


Hmmm, alright, I’ll take another look at this then.

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So I’ve looked into this further and this is not something we can fix on our end. The version of Roblox that is installed from the Microsoft store uses UWP (Universal Windows Platform) and Microsoft does not have an API for modifying the mouse position, or locking it to a window. Until Microsoft adds support for such a feature, we will not be able to fix this issue.

The mouse cursor should not leave the window if you downloaded Roblox manually (not from the Microsoft store), since that version does not use UWP. If this is not the case, feel free to re-open this ticket.

I understand that this is not a particularly satisfying answer, that being said we will fix this issue if UWP starts supporting this in the future.


Hi, may I suggest that you switch back to using a software cursor instead of a hardware cursor in the UWP client? I recall that the cursor used to lock between 2018 and 2020 before you switched to the hardware cursor


I might be dumb and wrong (as I have very little knowledge of any c language) but I googled it and apparently you can set the cursor position by doing


Not exactly sure what this change may have entailed, so I’ll see if I can look into this.


Thank you for double checking. I originally saw this too, but am not too sure I can call into this from the UWP app, I’ll take a second look at this though.