Roblox Microsoft Application Cursor Teleporting

When holding down right-click and moving the mouse left, right, up, or down in a game, the cursor teleports in that direction, causing the user to not know where the exact location of the cursor is.

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Open up Roblox from the Microsoft Store
  2. Join any game
  3. Hold the right mouse button while moving the camera in any direction.

Expected Behavior:
I expect the cursor to be like the website Roblox application and when I release the right mouse button, the cursor’s placement should not move at all.

Actual Behavior:
I see my cursor teleport to the left, right, up, or down depending on which way I moved the camera.

The user has to play experiences using the Roblox Website instead of launching the “Roblox” application from Microsoft Store.

This is happening on the latest version of Roblox on the Microsoft Store:
Version: 2.578.564 (297146)
Client-CoreScript-Version: 5345954812.6745


We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and will follow up when we have updates!

Thanks for the report!


Can confirm this happens all the time. I use the other version of Roblox for my alternate account when I want people to not notice me while playing some games since I am a verified user. It gets annoying, so I have to use a controller for it all the time and a lot of games do not have controller support.


Hello, any updates on this? I feel like this was marked as unimportant compared to other bugs even though this affects every Microsoft Roblox user, still happening on the lastest version of the Microsoft Roblox.

Can confirm that it hasn’t been patched yet

well you can disable the join option on your account settings, so they only know you are playing but not what you are playing, and they can’t either join you

I already did that (it can be bypassed using 3rd party extensions) and now use my alt for testing online interactions outside of Studio. People joining me or knowing what I am playing is not a concern for me anymore


This is still not fixed.

Here’s a AutoHotkey script that can be used as a workaround until this is fixed:

AHK Script
xPos := 0
yPos := 0

	IfWinActive, ahk_exe ApplicationFrameHost.exe
		MouseGetPos, xPos, yPos

~RButton Up::
	IfWinActive, ahk_exe ApplicationFrameHost.exe
		DllCall("SetCursorPos", "int", xPos, "int", yPos)
		Sleep, 2
		MouseMove, xPos, yPos
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Still happening in December, have a few more details to add.

The teleporting is the cursor landing where it’d expect to be if it weren’t locked in place. When you’re playing Roblox windowed, your cursor can escape the Roblox window after turning your camera… If you’re constantly going back and forth between left and right clicking, like in a heated brickbattle, you can accidentally tab into another window, or even exit Roblox!

This issue also happens with Roblox’s Android app if you can hook a mouse up to your device. Instead of being able to escape the boundaries of the app, the mouse cursor will stop turning the camera when it’d hit the edge of the screen. It basically acts like you’re using your finger to swipe.



Do you have any updates on this issue?

This is caused by the hardware cursor in the Windows Universal App platform, which we don’t have control over in the Roblox input system. Teleporting the cursor back to invert the motion isn’t a good solution, both from an architectural (detect UAP, use special behavior) and functional side (causing camera jitters for example).


Well that’s pretty unfortunate. While I understand there’s only so much Roblox can do, will this issue be brought up to Microsoft so they could potentially fix it down the road? As long as the problem is being brought up to the people who can find a solution (and Roblox continues to provide the original PC version with proper mouse support) I’m fine with this being the answer we’ve got for now. Thank you for looking into this!

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