Roblox Moderation is done

hi, my friend icedowss was unexpectedly terminated when he tried to recover data after three years of inactivity because someone used the right to erasure on his account. they reopened his account but terminated it again five days later when he tried to get his items back. (roblox transfers items from locked accounts to compensate those affected by scams or compromised accounts.)

this company isn’t trustworthy; they can’t even hire competent real humans for moderation. similar issues happened with the marketplace, where roblox items were copied, causing big financial losses for people (ugc). my friend lost about 5 million usd. your money is at risk, and you can lose everything, including your hard work, in seconds. it’s unprofessional for a billion dollar company to operate this way.

i suggest not investing your money in this profit-driven platform, which is full of exploiters, bad moderation, zero human support (relying on ai/bots and copypaste responses), and ugc that copies items from roblox’s market. save your money and avoid this subpar platform.

after three years of inactivity, my friend hadn’t done anything inappropriate. it’s disgraceful that roblox’s moderation team can’t communicate and coordinate properly. it’s like one hand doesn’t know what the other is doing.

support is ignoring us now.

first deletion:


second deletion:

also, he tried to appeal again, but the ticket was sent to two other departments instead of staying in the appeal department, four days without any message. support is transferring us from one department to another for no reason:

so we went from the appeals team to customer support team to privacy team for nothing


I have seen many topics about ROBLOX moderation and I can say one thing.

In this case, people I guess.


I don’t know how to help you here, but oh god I am surprised: “one time courtesy” for Right To Erasure? Wow that’s new to my eyes.


Your friend closed their account. It’s was specified that it’s irreversible. Your friend requested to reopen their account. Roblox allowed the account to be reopened. What’s wrong? It wouldn’t even have been open in the first place.

Your friend did not lose five million. No idea where you got that number.


data was erased by someone else not him, he was inactive for 3 years, came back n saw his account was deleted by someone else’s request not his. while account was terminated roblox took his limiteds (they take them from banned accounts) he asked to get unbanned, got unbanned, asked for his limiteds back got terminated again. is this a good action from roblox?


You never specified that your friend was compromised. You said:

This implies that your friend was the one who initiated the request. But, thanks for clarifying nonetheless.

This is just an unfortunate scenario. There isn’t much to do on Roblox’s part in the first place. Your friend has been off the platform for a while, and the evidence of being compromised has gotten stale. You can’t expect to report a crime that happened a few years back to have any realistic means of being solved. You can appeal as many times you want, but it’s really hard to get a meaningful response because there are so many others that also send in appeals. Spending a lot of time on one appeal leaves another individual unsatisfied.

I’m sorry for your friends loss, but there isn’t really much that could be done.


It’s actually Roblox’s fault, they basically terminated him again upon requesting his limiteds. The real question is why do they steal from other people’s accounts? @colmidy’s friend isn’t at fault here if we are gonna be honest.


yeah, my bad ive said it wrong, it wasnt him though

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Yeah, surely its their fault. if they didnt take any of the limiteds he wouldn’t have to contact support and get terminated. This is also a loss for me, since he was my good friend and business partner.


yeah it’s not about compromise, we got the account back, but then when he asked for the limiteds back he got terminated again for uploading inappropriate content


Literally why are they not able to just give someone limiteds manually instead of having to take limiteds from someone’s account, you’re literally robbing someone of something that they purchased without even informing them about it. It makes no sense and this moderation system is so trashy and the Roblox Support is useless, sometimes I think it’s AI’s contacting you through email when you open a Support Ticket.

they take it from deleted accounts to not ruin the economics, i get that. but why does he get terminated for asking it back? makes no sense. and the support is almost always useless

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True this moderation system is broken beyond repair at this point.

Take this for example;



We was supposed to release a big game next year, but we couldn’t even do anything and got terminated.


What did your friend lose thats worth 5m usd

His graph looks hella sketchy. also rest assured that 30m rolimons value is not 5m usd

read the post carefully so you understand

I definitely agree with you, Roblox has the worst moderation ever. Their chat filters just censor appropriate words, ban people for no reason, etc