Roblox moderation needs to get better when approving bodys

hi, im really getting annoyed with moderation that is right now on roblox because its really hard to make like woman bodys without it being deleted and when contacting roblox support they dont really explain what to tweak up really because the first time i submitted the bundle for appeal they said to remove the “butt crack” i removed the it and it still got banned for sexual content, i contacted roblox support again and they said “The bundle was rejected for not having appropriate modesty layer. Full coverage of the entire breast area, with no more than 40% cleavage, is required.” i tried hiding 60% of the cleavage and it still got banned?? Roblox needs to add better explaining to their doc page

i submitted this body after all the emails and it still got banned for sexual content

Not gonna lie, this moderation is 100% deserved.

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