I have another gamepass inside another game and it’s called, “Phone” but once I try to put that exact name onto a new gamepass, It censors it. I don’t understand why, I even tried different solutions such as naming it, “Mobile” but ROBLOX didn’t like that too. Is there any way to go around this?
try renaming it “cellular device”
roblox moderates names if they even vaguely represent something that could be seen as bad.
it probably thinks your asking for a phone number which is absolutely wild.
I have the same issue when trying to name one of my games, cant use the word age because of the same censorship.
yeah roblox just doesn’t like anything that refers to “Phone” because i tried “Cellular Device” and they censored only, “Cellular”
try “advanced electronic device for wireless communication” lol
its sad to have to go this far.
Maybe replace some symbols with others one
I replaced some symbols with cyrillac ones, try that
Roblox decided to censor that too unfortunately.
Well… there’s nothing you can do.
Yep, I just replaced it with “Digital Mobile”